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Stellate Ganglion Blocks (SGB)

Stellate Ganglion Blocks have been around since the 1930's. In the past year we have come to realize that this block can provide exceptional relief for symptoms of Long Covid 19. We do not know if it is a long term cure for Post Covid Syndrome, but the majority of people that we have treated have had persistent resolution to their symptoms.

We have provided Stellate Ganglion Blocks for PTSD and Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome for many years. While using it for Long Covid is relatively new, the block itself is not new. Originally these blocks were done by feel alone, then with x-ray imaging, and now with ultrasound imaging. We use only top of the line equipment to ensure the best possible outcome for our patients

SGB in Long Covid

Stellate Ganglion to Treat Long Covid Physiology of Stellate in Covid Case Series (Liu) Stellate to treat loss of taste and smell Case Report (Khan) Long Covid Pain and possible Treatments Online Stellate Booking Other Stellate Booking Options

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